The first person who was registered with the last name Sciulli is Natale born on 1825. There were other individuals with the same last name but we never met any of them in the subsequent records, so we can say that Francesco Sciulli is the only person who married and had children registered in San Marco Argentano. He was born on 1850, February 2nd and he married twice. The first time with Carolina Staffa born in Mongrassano, an Albanian village not so far from San Marco. They had four children; his only son Giuseppe, born on 1878, married Angiolina Bufanio on 1900 and when she died he married Pasqualina Apollaro on 1905.
The second wife of Francesco was Maria Salerno. They had four children.
Recently we knew that descendants of Giuseppe Sciulli and Pasqualina Apollaro are living in USA.
The following individuals were registered on the arrival in Ellis Island:
Name | Arrival Date | Age | Notes |
Emilio Sciulli | 1920 | 26 | |
Angelina Sciulli | 1921 | 39 | |